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Wednesday 8 June 2011


Hey guys,

This week's monster is the...

A Kraken is a ginormous octopus that is known to destroy ships (like the one in this picture).
Many sailors,or pirates say that they have saw the Kraken,but it's usually mistaken for a Giant Squid.  It usually looks like an octopus that has an weird mark on it's body,that looks like eyes.
It usually lives deep under the ocean,but sometimes it goes up to the surface to destroy ships(Scary!). The Kraken is in many adventurous movies,like Pirates of the Caribbean,Clash of the Titans,etc. I think it's because it's pretty creepy. But in a good way,I'm sure you'll  never run out of food once you hunt the Kraken,but I don't think you'll be able to catch it.

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