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Sunday 22 May 2011


Yo guys..!

This week's monster is...
 MEDUSA! (Woah,look at those creepy snakes on her head,yuck!)
 Medusa is known as a Gorgon,a terrifying female creature,and she has some creepy snakes on her head..! And it is also known that if you dare try to look at her face, you will turn into a statue! Soo scary! So, once Preseus (You remember this guy,right? I noticed him on the Minotaur page) tried to defeat Medusa,and he did! And even through Medusa's head is now chopped off,it still contains the horrible curse. I think this is the scariest monster so far. What do you think? Even through this monster is scary,I'd use her head to turn my sandwich into a stone...

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