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Sunday 29 May 2011

Monster Guide- Announcement

Hey guys..!

I have recently finished presenting this months monsters. Now it's time for new monsters..!
Here's a sneak peek of what kind of monsters will come in June...
Are you excited? Are you surprised? Are you thrilled? Are you scared? Well guess what kind of monsters there will be til June,because next month will be 'fishy'...

Sunday 22 May 2011


Yo guys..!

This week's monster is...
 MEDUSA! (Woah,look at those creepy snakes on her head,yuck!)
 Medusa is known as a Gorgon,a terrifying female creature,and she has some creepy snakes on her head..! And it is also known that if you dare try to look at her face, you will turn into a statue! Soo scary! So, once Preseus (You remember this guy,right? I noticed him on the Minotaur page) tried to defeat Medusa,and he did! And even through Medusa's head is now chopped off,it still contains the horrible curse. I think this is the scariest monster so far. What do you think? Even through this monster is scary,I'd use her head to turn my sandwich into a stone...

Sunday 15 May 2011


Hey guys,

This week's monster is the...

A cyclops is a monster from Greek mythology that has one creepy,big eye with sharp fangs. Cyclops are very big,and they are known to eat people,scary!  also,a famous Cyclops called 'Polyphemus',is  known for the son of Poseidon (A god) and Thoosa (A nymph). Many people say that Cyclops Legends started from a Elephant's skull because of the nose hole in the middle of it's face (As the big eye),and the tusk of the Elephant (As the fang). So,don't be fooled when a gigantic one-eyed giant asks you to come to their house and have some tea,because it's likely that the Cyclops wants to eat you...

Sunday 8 May 2011


Hi guys,

This weeks monster is the...

A centaur is a creature that is half-human,and half horse.  Centaurs commonly uses bows,and like Minotaurs,they're very wild. But a famous Centaur called Chiron,is wise and kind. According to the legend,Centaurs are followers of the wine god, 'Dionysus',nd are very well-known for drunkenness.
So,these monsters sounds cool to me,wanna ride this beast?

Sunday 1 May 2011


As you may know (which you DON'T know),this month's monsters are all from...GREEK MYTHOLOGY! which means they're all GREEK MONSTERS!

So,this weeks monster is the ferocious,mighty,unstoppable...
MINOTAUR!(The creature holding the weird axe)
A minotaur is an unusual creature that has a head like a bull and a body of a man.
In Greek,a minotaur was a smooth criminal,since it was BAD and was once defeated by a hero called Theseus(Sorry,not talking about heroes here).  Minotaurs are found in a place called Labyrinth,and they were usually very aggressive. So,do you think you wanna feed a minotaur your tomato salad? If so,your brave,and crazy.