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Saturday 25 June 2011

Monster Guide- Announcement

Hey guys! June's almost over,and ya know what that means,new monsters! So, I've been waiting for this. Monsters in July. So,here's an sneak peak of what kind of monsters are coming next month...
Are you excited? Well I hope so,because it'll be WAY more ferocious than The Big Bad Wolf!

Thursday 23 June 2011

The Flying Dutchman

Hey guys!

Sorry that I haven't been posting monsters lately. I was very busy doing chores,and I had less time to go online. For an apology,I will post an announcement tomorrow,and will post next month's monsters a couple day before then scheduled. Thanks for your patience!
Anyways,this week's monster is the...

The Flying Dutchman,is rather a boat,than a monster,but I think It'll still count as an monster,because of It's terrifying looks. The word 'Flying Dutchman' actually refers to a captain,not the boat,but It's usually a boat,like I said. The flying Dutchman has this scary curse,that whenever you witness (see) The Flying Dutchman,you die sooner or later.  Scary!
There's been a couple sightings of The Flying Dutchman. One in 1835,1881,1939,1942 and many other years,that aren't very recent. So,did this monster (or ship) remind you of pirates? We'll I hope so,because It's time to WALK THE PLANK!!!!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Kawa Uso

Hey guys,

This week's monster is the...

This extremely old looking monster originally a type of Japanese monsters called 'Youkai'. It's based on a river otter,and besides,it's name means 'River Otter' in the first place,so this monster is literally an River Otter! So,this monster,or should I say an otter,loves to disguise,or turn into an little child and trick other people. And also,this monster is known to call itself in an odd way, which it calls itself (アラ (Ala) ),(アラや (Alaya) ), etc. I find this monster odd. Very odd. Anyways,that was the Kawa Uso! Sayonara!

Wednesday 8 June 2011


Hey guys,

This week's monster is the...

A Kraken is a ginormous octopus that is known to destroy ships (like the one in this picture).
Many sailors,or pirates say that they have saw the Kraken,but it's usually mistaken for a Giant Squid.  It usually looks like an octopus that has an weird mark on it's body,that looks like eyes.
It usually lives deep under the ocean,but sometimes it goes up to the surface to destroy ships(Scary!). The Kraken is in many adventurous movies,like Pirates of the Caribbean,Clash of the Titans,etc. I think it's because it's pretty creepy. But in a good way,I'm sure you'll  never run out of food once you hunt the Kraken,but I don't think you'll be able to catch it.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Sea Serpent

Hi guys,

Sorry I couldn't post a new monster yesterday,because I was very busy yesterday. Anyways,this month's monster is all about... SEA! LAKE! ANYTHING TO DO WITH WATER! So,this week's monster is the...

A sea serpent is a legendary monster that lives in the sea. It's like a snake,except that it's WAY bigger and it only lives in the sea. some people think sea serpents are real,like the loch ness monster,because there were many sightings of sea serpents around the world. Nobody knows for sure if this monster is 'real',and plus,it's mostly mistaken as an oarfish or a whale. Some people think sea serpents are based on lake monsters or prehistoric marine reptiles,but you'll never know, it might be real...