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Saturday 23 April 2011

monster guide-announcement

Hey guys,

I've shown all of the monsters in the poll now..!  And do you know what that means..? NEW POLL! NEW MONSTER! NEW EVERYTHING!!(OK,not EVERYTHING,) So,lets explain this more detailed.
I'll have new polls,because there's gonna be diffrent kind of monsters,and I'll have new monsters because it's almost our second month now. I'll give you a 'sneak peak' of what kind of monsters will be next month...

Are you guys excited? Well,I hope so,because it won't be long till the new ones come.

Friday 22 April 2011


Hi guys,

This week's monster is the CREEEPY...
VAMPIRE!!!!!(Even through this is a Dracula,it's still a vampire)
Vampires are very common AND creepy monsters and it even gives me goosebumps!
Vampires are known to drink human blood and are rumored that they're blood is cold as ice!
So some reason,Vampires HATE garlic and the sunlight,so don't worry,as long as your in the sun and throwing garlic all over the place,you have less chance of being bitten by a vampire.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Loch ness monster

Hi guys,
Today's monster is the...
LOCH NESS MONSTER(also known as Nessie)!!! The loch ness monster is a gigantic monster that is known to live in the loch ness in Scotland. There are many rumors about this monster,and some people think that this monster is REAL,since there's lots of pictures of this monster,such as this...(however,some are proved that it's fake) So the next time you go to Scotland,make sure to peel your eyes for some...monsters.

Monday 11 April 2011

King Kong

Hi guys,

This weeks monster is a gorilla! Ok,it is,and it isn't. The monster is...

King Kong!

It was originally made in 1933(old man gorilly!) and it was also made in 1976 and 2005 (as a remake). The story is about a girl kidnapped by a ginormous gorilla (King Kong) and fall in love with the girl! I'd really rather have a cup cake kidnapped than a human being...

Thursday 7 April 2011


Hi guys,

As you know,this week im going to post more monster facts than usual because this is our first week
So,todays monster is...A HOT DOG! Ok just kidding todays monster is..
A WEREWOLF! Holy Maccaroni!
A werewolf is actually half human,half wolf,and they're usually human but when there's a full moon,BAM!
They turn into horrible,creepy creatures! They're like wolves when they are in 'monster mode' exept that they usually has a body possition like a human.  And they eat us(people)!!! So if you hear a noisy howl and see  a full moon at the middle of the night,RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! 


Hi guys,
My first ever monster i'm gonna show to you is...

As you see,Godzilla is an overgrown,fire breathing monster (like an dragon) that originally came from Japan. It was first made in 1954(Yea,it's OLD alright) and it ended in 2004. It's pretty famous,and it's BIG alright because it's even bigger than a whale! Its scary..!  Oh my,and look at those teeth! Ouch!  -DinoteddyK

Monster guide open!

Hello everyone,

As I know this is my first website EVER and I hope you really enjoy it
In this website,I will show all the cool monsters I know at least once a week
 This website is to get interested on all kinds of monsters and I hope you have fun.
Have fun!                     -DinoteddyK